Thursday, December 26, 2024
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Quotation for Furnishing

No. 02/07-IUCSSRE/CAC-P/1                                                                                      Dated: 02.07.2022




Competitive quotations are invited from reputed designers and firms for setting up polyester blinds for the windows as well as name boards for the newly constructed premises for the IUCSSRE at the Convergence Academia Complex, Priyadarshini Hills, Kottayam as per the specifications shown below.




ITEM/Specifications QUANTITY


Polyester blinds for the windows in the Rooms from 613 to 618 allotted for the IUCSSRE at the Convergence Academia Complex, Priyadarshini Hills Approximately 800 Sq Ft


Big Name Board for the Inter University Centre for Social Science Research and Extension and small name boards for rooms from 613 to 618.




Office (1), Faculty Rooms (5), Conference Hall (1), Library (1) and Research and Documentation Lab (1)

The sealed cover containing quotations shall be super scribed, “Quotation Notice” dated 02.07.2022” and be addressed to the Director, IUCSSRE, Mahatma Gandhi University, Pullarikunnu, Malloossery PO, Kottayam-686041. The last date for receiving the quotation will be 12.30 pm on 12.07.2022 and the quotations will be opened at 2.30pm on the same day.


  1. Quoted price should be inclusive of all taxes, freight, loading & unloading, installation & necessary cabling for installation etc.
  2. Details of materials should be clearly mentioned in the quotation.
  3. Customs/Excise duty exempted price shall be quoted.
  4. Quoted rates should have at least six months validity period.
  5. Warranty, AMC conditions, nearest service centre details, supporting catalogues and demonstrations should be provided.
  6. The right to accept or reject the quotations without assigning any reason rest entirely with the undersigned.
  7. If the product has a valid DGS&D rate it should be quoted.
  8. If the last date for receipt of quotations is declared a holiday the next working day shall be the last date for the purpose.


Director, IUCSSREIUCSSRE – CAC- Blinds Quotation 2022